Why You Need to Hire a Real Estate Agent in the Bay Area

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When you sell your home, it’s your most valuable asset. You need a true real estate professional with exceptional skills and experience. There are a few things that a professional agent will handle for you.

The first is paperwork.  Paperwork can be a real nightmare in a real estate transaction. In fact, last year, our contracts just changed. Some brokerages have their own paperwork, and if you don’t know that, your offer won’t get accepted. That’s just the start. 

A professional real estate agent has valuable experience. They know the ins and outs of the transaction, and they know which agents to trust.

Professional real estate agents are also expert negotiators. Everyone thinks they’re a top negotiator, but have you taken a negotiating class? My team and I negotiate on a daily basis. We work hard to get you the highest and best price. 

Pricing your home accurately is difficult to do independently. If you don’t price your home correctly from the start, it’s going to sit on the market for a while and people will think something is wrong with it. Then, when you get an offer, they will try to undercut you. You can’t rely on websites like Zillow to find your home price. Zillow is off by an average of 30%. A professional real estate agent will come in and analyze the market to give you an accurate price. 

Understanding market conditions is incredibly important. The market is constantly changing, and each submarket is different. A professional real estate agent studies the market each day.

If you’re thinking about buying or selling in the Bay Area, call or email me today! I am happy to answer any of your real estate questions.